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MacGuffin #13 – The Letter

Kiekvienas žurnalo MacGuffin numeris yra skirtas įkvepiančių, asmeninių, netikėtų, gerai pažįstamų ar visiškai ignoruojamų daiktų gerbėjams. Visuotinai pripažintas kaip nuostabaus dizaino ir nepriekaištingai parengtas kaspusmetinis leidinys yra nepakeičiamas šaltinis visiems, kurie nori sužinoti apie daiktų gyvenimo užkulisius.

MacGuffin #13 – The Letter

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  • Žurnalo MacGuffin 13–asis numeris skirtas pagrindinei kalbos sudedamajai daliai – raidei, iš pirmo žvilgsnio kukliam simboliui, galinčiam tapti protesto ir bendravimo priemone. The Letter gilinasi į begalinį rašytinių simbolių pasaulį: arabų protestus ir autokorekciją, ženklinimą ir tipografiją, atrastus šriftus ir feministines spaustuves, graffiti ir grimuarus, interneto memus ir interobangus, kalbos labirintus ir kairiarankiškumą, palestiniečių pasipriešinimą ir queer tipografiją, marškinėlius su šūkiais ir slaptas žinutes.

    Su: Amy Wu, Ben Clark, Chiachi Chao, Daphne Huisden, Emily King, Farah Fayyad, Ginevra Petrozzi, Inna Kochkina, Jess Baines, Julia Born, Karel Martens, Lou Lou van Staaveren, Mari Lebanidze, Natalie Kitroeff, "Offshore Studio", Phaedra Charles, Rasha Dakkak, Silas Munro, Tasheka Arceneaux Sutton, Uta Eisenreich, Will Stovall, Xiaohan Zhang, Yinuo Xuanyuan, Zelda de Hart ir daugeliu kitų.

    The Letter yra ne vien susijęs su abėcėle, bet ir su kalba, kodais, gestais, medijomis ir dar daugiau. Raidė yra stebuklingas simbolis ir kartu labai paprastas dalykas. Ji yra įsišaknijusi konkrečioje kultūroje ir priklauso nuo tuo metu prieinamų atvaizdavimo technologijų. Būtent kontekstas daro ją svarbia. 


    With each issue based around a single object, MacGuffin magazine is a platform for fans of inspiring, personal, unexpected, highly familiar or utterly disregarded things. Widely recognized as a fabously designed and immaculately researched design & crafts biannual, it is an indispensable resource for all those who want backstage information about the Life of Things.

    MacGuffin Magazine Nº 13 is dedicated to language’s basic material: the letter, a seemingly modest sign that can be a force of protest and connection. The Letter dives deep into the infinite world of written symbols, taking in Arabic protest and autocorrection, branded bodies and black typography, found fonts and feminist printshops, graffiti and grimoires, internet memes and interrobangs, language labyrinths and left-handedness, Palestinian resistance and queer typography, slogan T-shirts and secret messages. Featuring: Amy Wu, Ben Clark, Chiachi Chao, Daphne Huisden, Emily King, Farah Fayyad, Ginevra Petrozzi, Inna Kochkina, Jess Baines, Julia Born, Karel Martens, Lou Lou van Staaveren, Mari Lebanidze, Natalie Kitroeff, Offshore Studio, Phaedra Charles, Rasha Dakkak, Silas Munro, Tasheka Arceneaux Sutton, Uta Eisenreich, Will Stovall, Xiaohan Zhang, Yinuo Xuanyuan, Zelda de Hart and many more.

    ‘The Letter’ does not relate to the alphabet alone but to language, to code, to gestures, to media, and more. The letter is a magical symbol, and at the same time a very ordinary thing. It is embedded in specific culture and dependent on the reproduction technologies available at the time. The context is what makes it interesting: the letter is created, used, discarded, forgotten, and (sometimes) revived. Find out about the history of Scrabble, embracing graffiti, how humans perform letters, the culture of protest letters, the meaning of memes, typography that resists the domination of Western typefaces, the narrow binarity of the French language, the left-handed experience, and more.

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